Family in the Global Pollen Project's Master Reference Collection

Sour Plum Family
Trees or shrubs, sometimes armed. Stipules 0. Leaves alternate, simple, entire; midrib impressed above, prominent below (in ours). Flowers actinomorphic, unisexual or bisexual. Calyx cup-shaped, margin entire or lobed. Petals 3-5(-6), free or united, valvate. Stamens as many as or more numerous than the petals; all fertile or some sterile (i.e. staminodes may be present). Ovary superior or semi-in... © Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings (licence)
See more in the Encyclopedia of Life... Definition
- Taxonomic Completion
6 of 27 accepted Genera- Global Pollen Project UUID
- bc3ee508-d9f9-4e74-bb0c-897807ac4553
- Botanical Reference
- None available. You can check The Plant List for further information.
Connected data sources
This taxon is currently linked to the following locations.
The Plant ListGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility