Family in the Global Pollen Project's Master Reference Collection

Morning-glory Family
Herbs or shrubs, sometimes with latex, usually twining or prostrate, less often erect, sometimes parasitic with leaves reduced to scales (Cuscuta). Stipules 0, but stipule-like structures sometimes present. Leaves alternate. Flowers often large and showy, usually bracteate, 5-merous, actinomorphic, bisexual. Sepals 5. Corolla fused, entire or slightly 4-5-lobed, usually campanulate or funnel-shape... © Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings (licence)
See more in the Encyclopedia of Life... Definition
- Taxonomic Completion
8 of 67 accepted Genera- Global Pollen Project UUID
- 0ca3622e-8377-4cf9-ab63-dba2f34084a4
- Botanical Reference
- None available. You can check The Plant List for further information.
Connected data sources
This taxon is currently linked to the following locations.
The Plant ListGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility