Genus in the Global Pollen Project's Master Reference Collection

Lianes or climbing shrubs, less often small trees. Stipules free or ± united. Inflorescence of various forms, axillary. Bracts persistent. Flowers bisexual. Sepals (4-)5. Petals (4-)5(-6), green to white or yellow. Leaves opposite or subopposite, petiolate. Disk present, varying in shape. Stamens (2-)3(-4). Ovary superior, 3-locular. Stigmas 3. Fruit of 3 capsular, flattened mericarps, united at t... © Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings (licence)
See more in the Encyclopedia of Life... Definition
- Parent Taxon
- Celastraceae
- Species
- Taxonomic Completion
1 of 16 accepted Species- Global Pollen Project UUID
- 0aaaabe5-7efa-4b76-94e7-d8836a89a407
- Botanical Reference
- None available. You can check The Plant List for further information.
Connected data sources
This taxon is currently linked to the following locations.
The Plant ListGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility