Genus in the Global Pollen Project's Master Reference Collection

Burnet Saxifrage
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs. Leaves simple, ternate, 1-pinnate or finely divided. Umbels compound. Bracts and bracteoles 0. Calyx teeth obsolete or 0. Petal apices long-inflexed. Fruit ovoid to oblong, ± laterally flattened with a broad commissure. © Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings (licence)
See more in the Encyclopedia of Life... Definition
- Parent Taxon
- Apiaceae
- Species
- Taxonomic Completion
1 of 106 accepted Species- Global Pollen Project UUID
- 00dbb902-ea2d-4af1-88ee-09cf1a450344
- Botanical Reference
- None available. You can check The Plant List for further information.
Connected data sources
This taxon is currently linked to the following locations.
The Plant ListGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility